Thursday, August 30, 2018

2D Art Week 01

Shapes & Syd Mead

For this week's assignment we chose an element from a Syd Mead illustration to simplify and shade.  I chose the horse-like creature in the left side of the painting above.

Element from Original Syd Mead Art

Using the reference, I sketched out the simple shapes, including the ones on the interior of the animal, to get a sense of the volume and anatomy of the figure.  Then I cleaned up the line work.


Imagining a light source on the figure, I applied a light overall tint as a mid-ground and built up the shadows and highlights:

After I was satisfied with the shading, I applied an opaque medium-gray fill to filter out the paper color behind the figure:

Lastly, I created a drop shadow to complete the figure.

Final Beauty Shot

Monday, August 27, 2018

3D Art Week 01

Blocks & Materials in UE4

For the first assignment we exported the mannequin from UE4 in to maya as an FBX to compare scale.  The mannequin is approximately 6 feet in height.
I created a cube the size of the mannequin and then created a small cube.

About 3 of these cubes equal a foot.  Then I beveled the edges of the cube and exported it as an FBX into UE4.  Then I made my level design in UE4 based off of a Chinese Garden.

I then created a base texture in UE4.

Then I created a duplicated of this texture and made it emissive:

Using these two materials, I created material instances for the stone, grass, and wood textures in my level, adjusting the parameters until I felt satisfied with the effect of the materials and colors in the scene.

I then adjusted the fog, sunlight, star and sky until it was a dreamy twilight night scene.

